How far along? “36” weeks
Total weight gain: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity, with a few regular pieces thrown in
Stretch marks? Oh yeah. But thank God for Maderma and Palmer’s. They are my
Sleep: I sleep great for about 2 hours at a time. My body is already
transitioning to baby time.
Best moment this week: Opening our mail! We’ve got so much stuff coming in as we get
all of O’s last minute things ordered. It’s fun coming home every day to see
what we’ve got.
Miss Anything? My normal body and energy level. It’s a humbling experience
when you can no longer see your feet, knees, etc. and require assistance to
literally do every single thing in your life. This majorly cuts into my independent streak.
Movement: We have a soccer player on our hands. He loves to jab mom’s
ribs with his practice kicks. We’ve already had some serious discussions on
where it’s appropriate to practice soccer moves, and where it’s not
appropriate. He’s having trouble hearing me, I think.
Food cravings: Mexican food, banana pudding milkshakes and chocolate
sno-cones. But separate. No mixing of weird foods.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Yes. A lot of contractions as my body is warming up for the big
day. We’re still in a pre-labor stage though. Nothing too exciting yet.
Symptoms: Indigestion and fatigue.
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off. My ring will go on, but it’s iffy coming off. So for now,
it’s resting in a safe place.
Happy or Moody most of the time: All over the place. My emotions are a source of surprise for
everyone these days, including myself.
Looking forward to: The weekend. My mom and I are going into serious work mode to
try and get my house completely unpacked, O’s room set up, his clothes and diapers
washed, hospital bags packed, etc. A girl can dream, right?
Oh Ash! look great...Don't you just love those lil contractions. Although, mine were pretty strong at times. I wish so bad i lived closer to help you guys!. I love unpacking. Keep me updated after your MD appts. :)( Love and miss you and thanks again for the pediatric nurse advice last night..I was in tears!
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