Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2 Months Old

My sweet O,

It's hard to find time to capture these beautiful moments of your life, but I am determined to do it! 

You are two months old and the joy of our lives! It's entertaining and bittersweet to watch you grow and change every single day. 

Vital Stats:

-You are 12lbs 13oz and 24 inches long
-You can hold your head up great! Occasionally, you lose control and head butt whoever is holding you.
-You are still nursing exclusively and doing so good!
-We do a combination of cloth diapers and regular diapers. We're working out what's best for us! 
-You have discovered your voice and love to talk to anyone who will listen. It's completely adorable.
-You love trying to stand up on your little legs and your muscles are getting so strong. 
-You wear 0-3 month and 3 month clothing for the most part. You have definitely grown out of all your newborn things. 

You love....
-Ceiling fans
-Bright lights
-Your Baby Einstein playmat
-Maggie & Ian. Especially when Ian sings his songs for you!
-Your mommy and daddy. Your face lights up when you hear our voices and you turn your head to find us if we aren't holding you!
-Music. It doesn't matter if we are playing Hillsong, Bethal, John Mayer, Adele or Baby Einstein. Your little legs and arms start waving around and you really concentrate on what you're hearing. 
-Marty, your soothie buddy. You have several soothie paci's, and they'll work in a pinch, but Marty is definitely your favorite. 

Our day....

-You usually wake up around 5-6 each morning, but you take your paci and are content to sleep for a little while longer. 
-Around 6-7 we usually get up and do our first nursing session of the day. You are such a combination of excited and impatient before you eat. You will smile at mommy and pump your legs until you start eating.
-We take Bella outside after this and you love looking around at all the trees and animals. 
-We usually wake daddy up after that and you play with him for a little while before going back to sleep.
-The rest of the day, you stay on a consistent 3 hour schedule of eat, play & sleep. You are a good baby and you are content to do whatever we have planned for the day.
-During play time we: listen to music, do our silly dances, chill in the swing, play on the Baby Einstein mat, sit in the Boppy and look at lights, read books and talk to each other. 
-After your late afternoon feeding, we do more playing with daddy and mommy, then you sleep while we cook and eat supper. 
-After supper, we usually take a family walk down our street with Bella. You sit in your stroller and love to look at all the street lights as we pass by. 
-You usually have your last feeding of the night between 10-12. After you eat, mommy and daddy give you a bath in your blue whale tub. You LOVE bath time and start kicking as soon as we sit you in the tub. You also make some pretty funny faces in the bath tub. We use our lavender wash and Baby Magic lotion every single time. If you don't get a bedtime bath, you usually don't sleep very well.
-After bath time: you go into your pj's, are swaddled by daddy, go into the nap nappy, and listen to your sound machine. You go to sleep very soon and stay asleep throughout the night. 

Some things we've done....

-We've made several trips over the summer including: Memphis, Jonesboro, Little Rock and Redfield. You do great riding in the car and being in new environments. 

-Rhea Lana. You were such a trooper during this six hour event. Mommy racked up on some cool clothes for this winter and some fun baby gear like a stationary jumper and a jogging stroller. 

-Spent the night with Noni, the Mixons and Nona and Bop (of course Mommy was always with you!)

-We did two weeks of camps with junior high and high school students and one week of family camp. We were pooped after all that!

-Your two month shots. This was so rough on all of us. It's the first time we've ever seen you cry big tears! Mommy is used to being the "mean" nurse giving shots, not the parent on the other end consoling a child. It was so hard!

-You shared your first stomach virus with mommy and daddy. It was a "fun" weekend with all of us being sick. I definitely think your poor daddy had the worst round of it. 

You have....

-Discovered your hands. They are your new favorite toy and you love to put them in your mouth.

-Always favored your right side and continue to do so. We are working on making you turn your head to the left so you don't end up with a crazy shaped head!

-Finally caught daddy off guard and peed on him. 

Sometimes I find myself wishing you were older and could do more "things" with us. I am excited for the day that we can take you fun places and you actually know what's going on around you. However, I remind myself continually to take the time to enjoy these precious moments while you are still a baby. I treasure every single second that I'm with you, even when you're screaming and I have no idea why. You are our sweet baby boy, and I'm so glad God gave you to us!

Much love,