I last published on Jan 4th. Ouch!!! So this blog has taken many turns, but here we are almost a year later and I'm 4 months pregnant. Surprise!!
I keep thinking, "I need to write that down" or "I'll want to remember this" as I make my journey through pregnancy. Have I done that yet? Why, no. Of course not. So here I am, attempting to capture some precious memories so that I can recall them years from now.
Let's start from the moment we found out. The beginning of September 2011 I was hit with an extreme amount of fatigue and nausea. No surprise there, a nasty bug had been passing itself around to all my patients. I really thought nothing of it. The first week I slept through my alarm the entire week. I wrote it off as stress from a particularly trying family situation. The second week I was hit with the nausea. Again, I thought nothing of it until it started hanging around longer than the required 72 hours. We were in the middle of a college retreat and I felt like I had been run over by a train. Finally, extremely frustrated, I sent the husband off to grab some pregnancy tests (that I was sure would be negative) and then I would call my doctor's office to get worked in on Monday. We ran home, I hurridly took the test (we were on our way to watch a VERY important football game) and waited impatiently for the little pink line to pop up. Imagine my surprise when both lines turned pink! This couldn't be right!! We hadn't planned for this and had taken every precaution to be "safe". I walked out of the bathroom in shock to inform my husband of the news. It took a few weeks for it all to settle in.
We decided to wait to tell our family and friends. We wanted to make it safely through the first trimester and wait until my brother-in-law was married before we spilled the "beans". I was glad that we waited to share the excitement with everyone around us.....I felt so horrible! I slept 12-14 hours a day and spent the rest of the time in a state of nausea and uh....relieving my stomach contents.
Let's fast forward to our first OB appointment. We were both so nervous about what would happen. We ended up having a great appointment, met our wonderful doctor and her staff and then got to see the ultrasound of our little peanut. It was surreal to see the heartbeat go across the screen. There really was something in there!
I'll finish this post with a sweet picture of our peanut at 8 weeks :)
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