Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's A New Season

I love starting over. I love the clean & crisp feeling of a new year. It's a time for renewal, regeneration and fresh commitments. It's also a time to make those dreaded "New Year's Resolutions." Ugh. I despise making 'resolutions' that I know I'll never keep.

So instead, I'm doing something else. With the help of this post and these posts, I'm creating a life plan for the next 6 weeks of my life. Much easier to do!

My goals include financial goals, spiritual goals, organizational goals, fitness and meal planning. I'm creating a series of steps to reach these measurable goals and making myself accountable to others.

I LOVE great resources, especially when they're free! I also love when I read blog posts that share great resources, so I thought I'd do that here. These are some of the things I'm using to help me reach my goals.

Mvelopes: A great financial system. We also love Dave Ramsey!!

FlyLady: Love her household routines. I use the bedtime routine, the morning routine and clean our house using the Zone technique. I also subscribe to her daily Flight Plan (email) and Twitter, which often have useful tips and explain things in greater detail. The greatest thing about "flying"....it's just a few baby steps at a time.

Wii Fitness/Zumba: I use this to get myself moving every day. Zumba is fun and super energetic! It's a combination of intense cardiac workouts based on popular Latin and hip-hop dances. Warning: It does require some coordination, but if I can do it, you definitely can too. Wii Fitness has a better combination of stretching, weights, cardiac and yoga. Wii Fitness also tracks your progress and personalizes a plan based on your fitness goals.

Meal Planning: This is a hard area for me. I tend to be too much of a perfectionist and I find it hard to work with what I have on hand. However, I found this small series on meal planning (written by a SAHM of 4 children!) to be extremely helpful.

Until next time!
